Brompton owners know: they are a lifestyle choice – a hobby, a passion. Owning a Brompton is about so much more than having a small, convenient bicycle that gets you from point A to B. Bromptons give their owner the key to explore paths far and wide, conveniently explore new horizons and actually experience the joy of cycling in style.
I became the proud owner of my first Brompton at age 29. After moving to Singapore and not having the funds or needs for a car in such a small city-state, I took the plunge and spent a whole month’s wages on the bike. The bike then classed as the most valuable item I owned.

And what a decision. At the time – I didn’t realise – this was an investment. An investment in my lifestyle, my health, and the beginning of a newfound appreciation for what an engineering masterpiece, in the form of a folding bicycle, is.
I have so much confidence in the bike that I plan to bike-pack the length of New Zealand on it as soon as possible. In the meantime, I enjoy exploring all the sights that Singapore has to offer. I am interested in reviewing cycling routes, parts, bikes and documenting my cycling experiences along the way.

“I’ve always liked bicycles but, I love my Brompton”.

I use my Brompton everyday. To work and back, it takes me along a stretch of the green corridor, which is a refreshing way to start and end my work day.